Yard of the Month honors to Corinne and Tom Ball

The Jefferson Garden Club’s September Yard of the Month is the yard of Tom and Corinne Ball at 1405 Lincoln Ct.

Tom and Corinne have lived there for 4-1/2 years. Some of the flowers came with them when they moved from their former home. Corinne is the gardener in the family.

The front yard shows off many blooming flowers in shades of yellow and orange. Plants include marigolds, alyssum, dianthus, weigela, dogwood, hostas and sedum. An interesting looking tree called weeping pussy willow is nearby, as well as a redbud tree.

garden club september 2014 001The back yard has even more varieties. Near their deck, which Tom built, is zebra grass, flowering almond and clematis, to name a few. These plants are surrounded by large rocks which the Balls gathered from a nearby farm. Further back is a flowering pear and a Bradford pear tree. There is also maiden grass, false indigo, Russian sage, blanket flowers, coneflowers and delphinium in a stone bordered area.

Pictured are Garden Club member Darla Johnson (left) and Corinne Ball.

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